Code RED Ladies represents a group of Business Ladies reaching out to Build Up, Empower, Support young women, each other and our community.
Would love to have you join Code RED Ladies. We are a group of Ladies who meet once a month to support one another through discussions,strategy, lifting up the younger women coming in and our community. Each month our speakers will be Business Owners who will share their journey and arrival as well as information about our communities. As a group we will take up a donation (no pressure) to go to a need that day. We have many wonderful speakers lined up here locally as well as a few that will be Skyped in on a Big Screen early next year. There is no cost to join and it is open to the public. Consider joining Code RED Ladies and help support the younger ladies coming up the community and one another.
Code RED Ladies – A place to conquer and soar, Speaker/Author/Coach Leading Young Women to be Leaders
To build up leaders/dreamers to achieve goals that will have a positive change not only in themselves, but in our community or world at large. To show the abilities within and prove negativity has no hold on us unless we chose to allow it. To build leaders to help the generation yet to come forth.
Internationally known Speaker Bonnie Bradshaw travels the USA and Abroad EmPOWERing females in business and life.
My goal as a Motivational Speaker is striving for Xcellence! my programs are client sensitive. My programs run 20 – 60 minutes for schools and more for other events. I also offer workshops from 2 hours to 4 days depending on the event.
Expanding The Future
Coaching with Bonnie (Relationship Coaching) from friends, couples, marriage, pre-marriage, co-workers, and spiritual needs. We work together to build a map of accomplishment to push forward the future. for more information.
A few of Bonnie’s clients
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