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Love Your Wife According To The Bible

How to Love Your Wife According to the Bible

So did you know that there are Biblical commands for husbands? Husbands have responsibilities to love and honor their wives. Would you like to be a husband who loves his wife as Christ loved the Church…

 I hope you enjoy this article. We all want true love in life right?  The truest love of all is Christ love for us, but finding that special someone to unite your life with can be difficult to say the least, but once you do loving them, treating them as if they are the most expensive, important and fragile thing you own is so important. We are a gift to each other so everyday should be a celebration of love.


  1. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 1.jpg

    “Love your wife as Christ loved the Church.“(Ephesians 5:25) Risk your life to help or save your wife. Christ’s love for the church is without limits, nothing is held back. He gave His life for the church – before you loved Him. His love does not depend on your love for Him. Under God’s authority – love your wife as service–as giving your life to God.

  2. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 2.jpg

    “Love your wife in the same way you love your body and your life.“(Ephesians 5:28-33) You care for your body daily to be as well fed and healthy as possible. You quickly take care of any needs or desires. Any sexual desire as a husband should be cared for with your wife. In the same way, care for your wife’s needs and well being. Feel your wife’s pain and illness and rejoice in her health as if it were your own life. A husband must see his wife’s sexual desires and make supreme efforts to meet those needs too. Basically, her need or desire whether financial, physical, emotional or spiritual in your relationship must receive your full effort. Only in this way can you love her and provide for her just as well as you do for yourself.

  3. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 3.jpg

    “Be considerate as you live with your wife, with respect ...”(I Peter 3:7) The Bible says that if we neglect this command, our prayers will be hindered! To be considerate, quit any irritating habits! When she needs to be helped carrying heavy items, do it! If she needs time you can take care of the family! Help your wife with all of your energy, show your love to her with all consideration. Pray to see where you may be inconsiderate.

  4. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 4.jpg

    “Do not be harsh with your wife.“(Colossians 3:19) When a wife is sensitive realize that harsh answers, angry looks, irritated tones of voice and impatience will deeply affect your wife. Rejoice that she is a lady and isn’t like you – remember that she is a precious gift God has given you.

  5. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 5.jpg

    “The husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.“(I Corinthians 7:3-5) Please your wife physically. Don’t deprive her of what she needs. Sexual pleasure is something that is given, not forced or taken. Discuss what her needs are both inside and outside of the bedroom.

  6. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 6.jpg

    “Rejoice in your wife all your life. Let her body satisfy you. Be captivated with her.”(Proverbs 5:18-19) No man should look at other women or pictures of other women when he has a wife on whom he can gaze daily. A husband should become fully satisfied with his wife’s body. No matter what the size or shape, if a man will let it happen, and ask God to help him, he can grow to truly find his wife’s breasts to be the most attractive in the world. This is the true spirit of being captivated with your wife. Such a wife will feel sexy, attractive, and most of all, ladylike.

  7. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 7.jpg

    “And that women may be dressed in simple clothing, with a quiet and serious air; not with vanity about her hair and gold or jewels or expensive clothing;”(1 Timothy 2:9) Encourage your wife to be modest in public and erotic in private with you. A modest woman is a lady. There is much sin and temptation that results from women showing too much skin in public. Just think of the pleasure of knowing that no one sees too much of your wife’s legs but you! You will be shocked at how this one maneuver will increase your feelings of masculinity and her feelings of femininity.

  8. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 8.jpg

    “Do not be captivated by other women.“(Proverbs 5:20) Finding other women attractive and looking at them will erode your own view of your wife. You will be less satisfied with her and she will feel less special to you. No man can build a habit of glances without subconsciously doing it in his wife’s company. And she will notice. Remember to be captivated with your wife and no one else. She will feel like the Queen of the world and you will fall further in love with her.

  9. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 9.jpg

    “Call your wife ‘blessed’ and praise her.“(Proverbs 31:28-29) Tell her that she is special and is greater than any other woman on earth. Don’t just mention her physical beauty, but her care for you, her hard work, and her ladylike attributes. Watch the flower of your wife blossom as you repeatedly fill her ears with your praises. She longs for those words and she wants to hear them from you! Of course you don’t need pride, but that does not change the wife’s need and longing to be treasured.

  10. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 10.jpg

    “Tell your wife how captivated you are with her body.“(Song of Solomon 4:7; 7:1-8) A true lover will make sure that his wife knows that he finds no flaw in her. God made your wife. God makes no mistakes. If you find a part of her body flawed, then it is your mind that needs to be changed. The responsibility upon the man to grow to love and express love for every part of his wife and also to respectfully and sensually tell her so. It will not help to criticize her or to be sarcastic. Think of how good she will feel when both you and she truly believe that you are enamored with every part of her!

  11. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 11.jpg

    “Honor your marriage; keep it pure by remaining true to your wife in every way.“(Hebrews 13:4) Jesus says that “lustful looks are adultery.”(Matthew 5:28) This is similar to “because where your treasure is there will your heart be also…”(Luke 12:34). Do not treasure such lustfulness in any area of life, but deny it access to you heart. Keep your marriage pure by training your heart and eyes to be true to your wife. Your marriage will reap huge benefits if you do!

    • Thank the Lord for beauty and appreciate it but keep your eye, joy, mind and heart for the wife.
  12. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 12.jpg

    “Be thankful for your wife and realize the favor you have received from God.“(Proverbs 18:22) Just think of how lonely you would be without a wife. Adam was alone and it wasn’t good for him to be alone, so God gave him a wife. You have a lifetime companion, a friend, and a lover to enjoy every day. What a blessing! Thank God and pray for her daily. She is a tremendous “prize” from God.

  13. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 13.jpg

    “Be one flesh with your wife in every way.“(Matthew 19:5) Enjoy life with her as if you were inseparable, but live your life thoughtfully. Long to be with her like you did when you first met. Rush home from work to her. Think about her during the day. Call her every day. Learn as a couple to agree: be like minded. Enjoy intimacy and sex often. You should have sex as often as is necessary to meet the desires of whichever spouse has the stronger sex drive, and as schedules and health permit. Spend time just talking and sharing the day’s events. Show a genuine interest – listening intently – giving your full attention and eye contact. Your wife is more important than anything or anyone but Jesus Christ. Be as one with your wife.

Success Interview by John Ramsey

My third interview with John Ramsey an International Host on Success. 

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Finding Yourself Through All The Obstacles

Life is a crazy thing as we all know.  I am not telling you anything you didn’t already know. I can tell you in my own life I never know from one minute to the next what is going to happen, but I seem to thrive on that. As women we (rather we like it or not) take on role after role after role and are expected to perform to perfection. As a wife we want to take care of our husbands, the house, our career, not to mention the volunteer work we are asked to do. Then comes the children this is where things get interesting. Pregnancy to delivery for most is a bit uncomfortable with morning sickness and well you know the rest. At the end of the nine months you are handed this beautiful child that in a instant completely changed your life.

The Ultimate Life Coach


The ultimate Life Coach is the almighty God. I love this short play because it hits on most of what people feel today.  If we just listen to the Holy Spirit it really would relieve us from many worldly feelings.  We would move forward in such a powerful way.

Please enjoy this video and truly listen to what it’s saying.


Bonnie Bradshaw

On Demand Coaching Without The Stress


Life on the go = Coaching on demand!

Busy life? Try coaching on demand.






When life is hectic and you just need coaching on demand Live Person is a great way to reach me. Sometimes we just don’t want to connect on a schedule so this is a great way to get what you need without the stress.


Looking forward to reaching out.



Above All Be Yourself!

Be Active ~ Be You!

Above All Be Yourself!

As we grow we are told what to eat, what to say, how to act, what’s acceptable in the world and what’s not, what our goals should be and if we will go to college or work. At times life reminds me of the movie “The Runaway Bride”. Julia Roberts didn’t know what kind of eggs she really liked until the end of the show. She was so busy trying to like and be like her newest fiancé. It”s bad when we forget who we are, but worse when we never got to know who we are.

As we grow and this becomes the norm, allowing our friends to determine who should be our friends and who should not, just to fit in robs us blind of friendships that could have been great. Let’s face it even the kids that are popular have faults (even if they don’t think so). Now we move unto adulthood. We learn to cover up what is not NORMAL and acceptable in the rims of our world. We are told act this way, say that, do this and your business will grow, or that group will accept you. You have to have this degree or that to join our club. We start as my children say being fake. Then who really knows you or what you have to offer?  No one!

The life I was born into was not pretty, but it made me who I am and I personally think I am wonderful. I have loads to offer and I love the underdog. Many will reach out and help you if you are making X amount of money or your business is peaking. There are very few companies out there to reach out and help you succeed just because that’s what they do. I found through my journey of Entrepreneurship that I wanted to embrace my past and my present. I want to help those who are just getting started or are afraid of the unknown. Those who dream, but don’t know where to go. I was designed to help those who have walked in my shoes and took a different route than I did.

I am not here to sell my workshop, but to speak about it. I came on with Diamond House nonprofit group in Portsmouth, Va to help reach those who need help in all areas of life. One way I am doing this is by providing workshops for women to begin their dreams and decided it would be offered at a low price so many can afford it. (If you are interested, you can find out more at Dreaming is just that a dream, but when you take action it becomes your reality. What’s your reality? Are you happy and fulfilled with your life and career?  If not why not?  Do yourself a favor and soul search where you are and where you want to be. It may surprise you.

Be powerful, be courageous, be determined my friend. Life will be sweeter when you do.

As we go I will be sharing parts of my childhood, as I am finishing up my very first book. The first of many. I hope my stories will inspire you to take action in your life. I will be speaking in late March for Diamond House Youth Summit in Portsmouth, VA at the Churchland Library. If you live close I hope to see you there with your youth.

Until next time,







What About The Homeless Youth

When people drive down the street and look on street corners it has become more common to see a homeless man or woman standing there with a sign. What you don’t see is the under aged kids that are homeless as well.

What About The Homeless Youth

According to Covenant House, about 40% of homeless people are under the age of 18. Can you imagine your child or a child you know having to fend for themselves on the side of the street hoping someone will help them. I recently read an article in the local paper about a group of homeless youth living on the streets in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I have been a foster parent for over 17 years now and my mindset was that they were in shelters with families or foster care. But in all reality, they are out in the world waiting for that helping hand to help clothe, feed, and provide shelter. I found that there are organizations that help the youth up until the age of 21. I don’t yet understand the do’s and don’ts of helping the under-aged youth since there are so many laws. But I am working my way through them to better understand how I can help these troubled youth get back into a normal reality.

Now you may be asking yourselves how these kids end up on the streets fending for themselves. Covenant House shows that:

  • 41% witnessed violence in their own home
  • 36% witnessed their parents using drugs regularly
  • 19% reported being beaten with an object
  • 19% reported they have endured sexual abuse
  • 15% reported someone close to them had been murdered

There is a local boy who lives near me who endures violence in his own home and runs as soon as it happens to get away from it. But with the laws today, he is not able to get very far from his parents. Local law enforcers have said that parents have more power of the child than people think. If they are picked up, then they have to go back into the parents’ custody. If they go to a safe house and are reported as a run-away, then that organization has to call the parents to let them know of their whereabouts. Then if they show up to pick up that child, the organization has to make the child leave.

No wonder there are so many homeless youth on the street—they would rather take their chances on the street than at home.

Your next question is: “How can we help?”

How can I help one of these kids if the laws have our hands tied so much it doesn’t matter if I put out that helping hand? In 2011, I planned a Formal Galla at the Hilton Garden Inn to raise money to purchase a home for these children through my non-profit organization, Advancing Youth of America. We will hire staff around-the-clock as well as involve volunteers to help educate these youth to:

  • Receive their GED
  • Write résumés
  • Develop iIndependent living skills
  • Search for jobs
  • Manage money
  • Do the other things needed in order to make it in today’s economy

Some people really do not have the time to devote to physically working with this cause, but they can be involved in many other areas such as fundraisers. Looking for other ways to get involved?

  • A wonderful way of doing this is adopting the non-profit as your cause and host yard sales, pig pickins, spa days, and pancake breakfasts.
  • Churches can get involved by having Sunday school classes competing to collect food, clothing and donations.
  • Another way to get involved is to add us to your or your organization’s Web site.
  • Schools could hold events and donate all money or items.
  • Bands could hold a concert once a year.
  • There is also a real need for pediatricians to volunteer their time once a week by coming in to check on the children.

There is not one person in this world who can’t get involved in one way or another. Are you someone who loves to network? Then there is a need for you as well. Let people know about this—get the word out. It is in your hands. If everyone could just see the need in pitching in and give $1.00, just think how that could help these kids! Let’s get together and perform a miracle for these kids. Won’t you find it in your heart to do something?

Advancing Youth Of America was developed two years ago in the hope of helping our at-risk youth have opportunity to advance in life the way every child deserves. As you know not much comes in the way of FREE, so we will do all we can to raise that money. The faster we are registered the better things will go for the children we are trying to serve.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope in some way this touched your heart and it will be your desire to adopt this cause to help our homeless youth. Please add my Web site and my Facebook page to your bookmarks to give others a chance of knowledge and maybe help out these children.

“Homeless” Defined

What About The Homeless Youth

  • Anyone who, due to a lack of housing, lives:
    • In emergency or transitional shelters
    • In motels, hotels, trailer parks, campgrounds, abandoned in hospitals, awaiting foster care placement
    • In cars, parks, public places, bus or train stations, abandoned buildings
    • Doubled up with relatives or friends
    • In these conditions and is a child or youth not in the physical custody of an adult (unaccompanied youth)
    • In these conditions and is a migratory child or youth
  • To determine homelessness, consider the permanence and adequacy of the living situation.
  • Unaccompanied youth:
    • A youth without fixed, regular, and adequate housing who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.
    • This would include runaways living in homeless situations and those denied housing by their families (sometimes referred to throwaway children and youth).

When Lipstick Runs the Business

When Lipstick Runs the Business

Many years ago a woman kissed her new husband, settled in life, had babies, cleaned house, and was very proper as a wife and a mother. Man, have things changed! Now, we run Corporate America, Lead top talk shows, Perform Brain Surgery, Work as prison guards, Run Hospitals, and kick butt in the board rooms all across America. Women from all walks of life dream a dream and are so determined they lead the way in find the possibilities to make it happen. We don’t tell our little girls to be nice, sweet little things, we tell them to go after their dreams. We are more out spoken in our views and even run for President of the United States of America.

Some women I have talked to shared in them it was because the men they have met were lazy, not responsible and lacked and ability to motivate life. Women are tired of depending on men to make whatever life possible and sit back and deal with it all. They want better to stand on their own two feet and work hard to have all the things they want in life. Hard work is a blessing to be able to show our children that anyone can be anything they want. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

There are grants, loans, work programs many ways to afford college. Determination, steadfast is what will get anyone what they want. You have to want it bad enough to work hard for it. Nothing will ever be handed to you without something in return.

Women, I tell you just like I tell my children, go to college even if it’s a local community college and transfer to a four year college, get your career, move into your own place alone and know you can do it. Don’t hop from Mom and Dad to Husband. All you are doing is going from one set of people helping to guide you to another person trying to get use to sharing life. It’s not easy.

If you know you can do it all by yourself then you can take time and make the right choices. I see so many girls jump at the first man (boy) who ask them to marry and then find out they did not really love them at all. Do you realize how many people are in this world? Think about this…If you lived in Italy all your life you would more than likely find a man there to marry, same is if you lived in Brazil, etc. So, travel meet many people and then decide. You have time. School, College, Career, and Your time to live first. Do what you want when you want to without someone else telling you what you can or can not do and when.

We live in America girls. Stop thinking small and think BIG. Make your dreams come true. It takes work and by all means the girls I have met STOP sitting back and feeling sorry for yourself for everything. Yesterday was yesterday it’s gone. Tomorrow is up for grabs, jump into full speed ahead and think, make and do.

If you have questions I work as Dear Bonnie and will answer questions. We have monthly meetings of idea exchanges. You have a question come join us and let’s chat…God Bless you all.