Balancing Your Life Radio Bring You The Ease of Everyday Life
Join us starting September 8th from 7-8pm for guest covering every topic of life. Making your life as smooth as possible.


It’s Never Too Late To “Create”.

So many people think the obstacles are stacked against them and their dreams will never live actively in this world. They feel they are not smart enough, young enough, no one wants to hear what they have to say. There are many many reasons why we freeze in our tracks too paralyzed to move. If we only took note of our individual powers to create nothing would stop us.

Please do not let these thoughts control your entire life, allow freedom to enhance your mind and be happy. No one or nothing has the right to hold you back if your will is strong enough.

Mother Rather in Blood or Law

Have a blessed Mother’s Day. Rather you had a wonderful mother or one who lacked the love and care you should have received, maybe yours abused you or allowed someone else to,  you are a gift to this world and hopefully through all your experiences you learned to be a gift to your children.  If you do not have your own children or maybe they are with Jesus know that this world is in such need of mothers. It doesn’t matter if you give birth to a child or not even if the child lives with you being a mother comes from the heart not just blood or by law.  Be a blessing to a child who needs guidance and support the best way you can.  We all need love and that is at every age, so be the person to give what you did not get.  Know that I am praying for each and every person who reads my blogs each and everyday. There are people in the world whom you have never seen praying for you today.

You Are

WE have seen this video many times on social network sites, but it remains TRUTH. Powerful words to bring realization to a hurting society of women who feel a lack of worth. Those who grow up believing the unkind, negativity that is said to them over and over again. Embedding all the harm that has been done to their bodies and mind. Let it go my sisters let it go. You are a one of a kind who the creator developed a plan for your life long before you were thought of by the human mind. Those who have hurt you along the way did so of their own free will and you sister have your own free will to wipe the slate clean. Forgive those who have harmed you in some way and move on, move on forward to the special dynamics of a faithful father that has many specific designs for your life. Give your true path to that one who loves you more than anything or anyone can. Let him illuminate your steps, your path to fulfill your true destiny. Sister walk your path and may we have the privilege to watch you radiate the world with your gifts? God bless you my friend for going and doing what you and only you were gifted for. You are loved.

Time Just Gets Away From Us

Time just gets away from us on Sunday mornings.  When we have to get up early to get to church things just seem to go wrong.  Itr’s rally satins way of keeping us away, you know why?  God has a word for us and well, if we are not there we miss out on it.  It may be the one time that special word will be spoken to us or a missed specific time to speak to a certain person who needs us.  Take two hours of your week and devote it to learning about the Lord and fellowshipping with other christians.  Build the kingdom.  God Bless.

Motivational Speaker & Life Coach

Inspirational Speaking

I enjoy working with this company, The leads come in everyday so it makes it simple to reply expand your business. Through Thumbtack I am able to meet some amazing people and make even more connections.

Every little outlet helps to spread the word about you and your business. If you are a Speaker, Coach or Trainer you definitely should check them out.

Who I am personally:  Anyone who knows me personally or professionally knows I am a Christian. I have been since I was five and found myself in a church yearning for more in my life and for that Love thing. The one thing I really want to do today is help people come to know Christ as their Savior just as I did so many years ago. If you know know how, or you just want to hear about it I am placing the information on this blog. I speak to many groups Christian and not, places I can not speak about God but I do speak about a book I live by.  So without further ado I present to you a guide to eternal life.

Targeting Excellence (Radio Interview)


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